
MNEME invites Marie Steiner and Alexandra Rauh

Anatomy of Desire | Anatomy of Awkwardness
performance double bill

Choreography Anatomy of Desire: Marie Steiner
Choreography Anatomy of Awkwardness: Alexandra Rauh
Project Management: Charlie Petersen & Alexandra Rauh Dance: Lena Schattenberg, Charlie Petersen
Composition: Mona Matbou Riahi, Wolfgang Eckert
Stage: Daina Kasperowitsch
Costumes: Lisi Lang, Eva Eidinger
Video: Miho Kasama
Light: Sasa Batnozic
Dramaturgy: Manuela Neudegger
Assistance: Karoline Krämer

Co-Production: Tafelhalle Nürnberg
In Cooperation with MNEME kollektiv

Through a series of choreographic images, oscillating between dance and performance art, ‚Anatomy of Desire I Anatomy of Awkwardness‘ exhibits the nature of two opposing emotions.

The episode about longing presents a deep study of a basic human drive and embodies the feeling of desire in a formalistically consequent, abstract and visual choreography. The audience observes how a creature, charged and motivated by a deep longing, reveals its internal universe. 

In contrast the episode about awkwardness and embarrassment presents a light-hearted deconstruction of everyday disruptions in social interactions. It dedicates itself to the borders of shame and shamelessness and offers the audience a multilayered projection surface created by two bodies, voice, video and sound design. 

Anatomy of Desire | Anatomy of Awkwardness | Trailer


Supported by: Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Nürnberg, Tanzzentrale der Region Nürnberg e.V., MA7 Kulturförderung Wien

Dieses Projekt wird ermöglicht durch den Bayerischen Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT) aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst